After the evening storm, there were some storms during the night and another one after breakfast. Then, the sky cleared up, and we went discovering charming sites of the city Meersburg:
Old Castle
New Castle
The Meersburg vineyards at the northern banks of Lake Constance are famous within Germany. The rosée "Weissherbst" wine is a specialty of the region. And I can tell you firsthand, that this wine is really delicious.
Friedrichshafen - the city of the Zeppelins!! Friedrichshafen is less of a tourist resort than an industrial town with a promenade. Its main claim to fame is as the home of Zeppelin airships. In the late 1800s, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, who had seen hot-air balloons used during the American Civil War, developed a rigid airship powered by gas. The first of his cigar-shaped models was launched in 1900 and passenger flights to America followed. Although the Zeppelin dream ended when the 245m-long Hindenburg exploded on landing in New Jersey in 1937, in the 21st century you can still take a Zeppelin trip (now using non-inflammable gas).
Zeppelin Museum:
You might ask yourself why are there no photos of Wassersburg. Well, the rain caught us again, so there was no time to really explore the city. We only found the train station and took the train from Wasserburg to Lindau and then back to Freising.
It was an amazing cycling trip!!